I often feel remorse for quickly judging a significantly overweight person on account of their size. I'm not talking about people with a few extra pounds; I'm talking about unhealthy weight. I realize the reasons behind an individual's obesity could be anything and everything from genes and metabolisms that are especially unaccommodating to the typical processed American diet to food addiction and laziness. I often find myself assuming the later.
Even if someone's obesity is completely their fault though, I don't see why they should have to suffer socially the way they do. Obese people are viewed differently. A specific one of their imperfections is visibly obvious to everyone, and almost instantly they are judged.
What is interesting is that we all have major issues, imperfections. We lack discipline, are conceited, greedy, lack compassion, are driven to success for many selfish reasons. Many of us are just much better at hiding our vices. It seems like often times when I see someone who is obese, it's like they have a sign on them that says they have a problem. But everyone has problems. There is no sign reading "addicted to approval and performance-driven living" attached to the woman standing in front of me in the checkout line, or a sign reading "compulsive liar, gossiper, and backbiter" pined to the man socializing at the bar, or an arrow pointing to the jogger saying "this guy has a major gambling problem." No. I just see a perky, slightly stressed woman, a man talking with some friends, and a guy going for a run. But when I see an obese person I immediately "know" they are lazy and overeat (this is actually often not the case). I don't really know anything about them, but one of their problems seems pretty obvious.
I agree that we all have addictions. People judge the obese out of fear, and it makes them feel better about their own less-than-obivious addictions. If I point the finger long enough at you I don't have to look at my own issues. And people who are slightly overwheight,like me, are afraid that one day they are going to wake up and be 900 lbs. That is my truth anyway. Great topic, thanks for sharing.